Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday 5/31

alg II hp -   Back to trigonometry! 

alg II -   probability review

alg I -  stomp rocket day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wednesday 5/30

alg II hp -   We reviewed conics and geometric series.  work on the guide and bring in questions.

alg I I-    we reviewed geomeric series.  Work on the review guide and bring in questions.

alg I -   Test makeups and review of systems of equations.

alg I review guide for final

Hi classes,
There will be a final exam on semester 2.  There are  2 parts; multiple choice and free response.  The MC will be 15 questions and be worth 4 points.  The free response will have 6-7 questions and be worth 6 points each.

Exponential and exponential functions - 3
Systems of equations - 2
Quadratics - 12
polynomials - 3
graphing - 2
system of equations -2

We just took our quadratics test and a lot of what is on that test is on the final.  You can re-do those problems to prepare for the quad portion of the final.

We will do problems in class that will serve as our review guide.  Ask questions if you have any.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

period 2 review guide for final

Hola estudiantes!

There will be 2 parts to the final -    10 multiple choice and 9 free response.   In total, it will count as 20% of your grade.  Make sure you have a good calculator for this test.

The test is:  40% trig, 30% logs, and the remaining is probability and sequences.  In your book, that would be chapters 6, 8-10. 

p. 300 #21, 23
p. 308 #43
p. 3145, 13, 18-20, 67
p.  331 #9-12, 23-27
p. 338 #11, 13, 17, 27, 33, 39

sequences and series
p. 414 #15, 16 , 19, 23, 31, 32, 39, 41
p. 430 #5, 15, 23, 33, 47
p. 439 #7, 11, 17

p. 466 #21, 33, 41,
p. 482 #3, 9, 17, 25-27
p. 491 #19, 24, 50, 57
check your trig quizzes and chapter test to get practice for trig equations

p. 542 #3, 17, 19
p. 575 #9, 19, 29, 37-40

Tuesday 5/28

alg II hp-  today we reviewed inverse functions and logs.  I passed out the 2nd part of the review guide.

alg II - reviewed logs and took questions about the final.

alg I -   chapter test for quadratics.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday 5/24

alg II hp -  We saw an inverse variation problem and tried a few more d = rt problems.  Final guide is on another post.

alg II -   Unit test for trigonometry.  No hw.

alg I -  We turned in our work and had our performance task.  Unit test next week!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Alg II hp final review info

The final is done so this description is very accurate.  Most of the final is centered around the last 2 units, trig and rational functions, but there is also a good size of log/ exponential problems.  I will make a list of problems not in the book but check out the bottom of this post for problems that are good to do in our book (logs).  You can review both your trig and rational function assessments as well.  Lusa, Arely and Janet - I look forward to seeing you at lunch.

13 multiple choice questions ( 4 points a question)
1 matching rational functions with key features in their graph
2 d=rt word problems
2 solving a log / exponential function
1 writing the inverse of a function (with notation)
1 domain and range of a function
2 simplifying a log expression using the log properties
1 multiplying rational functions
1 simplifying a rational function
1 finding the sum of a geometric series from summation notation

13 Free response ( 6 points a question)
3 simple trig equations - find reference angles
2 establishing trig identities
1 using a 2 variable equation in a word problem

1 writing a trig equation from the description of the key features of the graph
1 Ferris wheel (trig)
2 solving complex trig equations - find reference angles
1 sum of a series from a list of numbers
1 conic problem that involves completing the square
1 simplifying a complex fraction

Major Foci                    trig - 9, all on free response
                                       rational functions - 7, mostly on MC
                                      log / exponentials -  5, mostly on MC

Inverses and Logs/ exponentials
p. 281 #16, 17, 22
p. 315 #54
p. 331 #28-33, 45
p. 338 #5, 9, 11, 15, 18, 37, 39, 57, 67, 69-70, 72

Ferris Wheel
p. 494 #61(sinusoid graphs)
p. 492 #37-42 

series and summation
p. 415 #31-32, 43-45
p. 430# 15-17, 33, 47, 49
p. 439 #7, 11, 17

Thursday 5/24

alg II hp -  We reviewed Tuesday's quiz and took notes on D=rt problems.  We tried 3 of those problems.

alg II  -  Whiteboards to prepare for the test;  review of the review guide and Wed.s work.  Study!

alg I -    Review of Wed.s walkabout problems, we also had an application of quadratic functions, ended class with whiteboard practice. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wednesday 5/23/18

alg II hp -   We had a great math task on rational functions and horizontal asymptotes.  No hw.   D=rt is tomorrow!

alg II -  Surpressa!  Performance task day!  Tough task but you are stronger for doing it!  Absentees will pay for it later!!!!   Check out the study guide for the test on Friday.

alg I - After the quiz review, we had a walkabout on quadratics.   These will help you for the test next Tuesday.  There is also a review guide in another post that is good to review.  Work from today is due Friday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

alg I Quadratics review guide

The quadratics test will have 10 problems on it.  They are:

4 solving quadratic equations
1 solving a system that has a quadratic equation in it
1 writing an equation from solutions
1 application involving a rocket's path
1 graphing a quadratic equation
1 writing an equation from a list of ordered pairs
1 short answer on how to solve a quadratic equation

I can't overstate how much you should learn those problems from the last 2 quizzes (which were essentially the same quiz twice).   make sure you can do every problem on them well.

Outside of the quiz, you can work on these problems

1.  graph the quadratic function:  y = x^2 - 12x + 20
2.  what are the solutions to the graph in problem #1
3.  find the highest point on graph of the function, y = -6x^2 + 24x -3
4.  Write the equation to a quadratic function that has solutions, x = 3, -5
5. Write a rule for the sequence (4, 6, 10, 16...).  What is the 15th term?

Videos on solving


quad formula

Tuesday 5/22

alg II hp -     Quiz today on rational functions.

alg II - We practiced solving equations and then we learned a trig identity and used it to solve other types of trig equations.

alg I -  Quiz today on solving factorable quadratics.  Warm up #24 was before it and will be turned in on Friday.

Monday, May 21, 2018

per 2 trig test review guide

There will 14 questions on the trig test this Friday.

2 solving right triangles (9.1)
1 finding coterminal angles (9.2)
2 solving simple equations, with reference angles (9.3)
1 application of a sinusoid function
3 finding the exact value of a trig function ( sin 150 degrees = ?)
4 solving complicated trig equations - not in our book!!!!!!!!
1 knowing the new definitions of trig function ( sin = y, cos = x, tan = y/x)

In the book
p. 482 #3, 5, 16, 20, 25-28
p. 492 #24, 57
p. 517 #3-6

The extra problems were projected today in class and are on the magnet hook if you need them.

Videos to help for unit circle

unit circle and new definitions of trig functions - Sal Pt.

Same thing- Sal Pt. II

Info on radians and radian conversion from degrees (not the best artist but good info)

Monday %/21/18

alg II hp-   The class was filled by writing equations from graphs and simplifying a complex fraction.  Quiz tomorrow on 7.2 and 7.3.

alg II - We started with a right triangle problem and then worked in groups on the concept connection.  Turned in the work at the end of class.

alg I -  We wrote equations from solutions and then worked in groups on the horseshoe problem.  Re-quiz on Tuesday.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday 5/18

alg II hp - Had a nice challenge problem involving cubic in the numer. and quadratic in the denom.   and followed with another d=rt.  After reviewing the hw, we ran out of time.  Quiz on 7.2/7.3/complex fraction on Tuesday.

alg II -  After reviewing 1-3 from Thursday, we did whiteboard practice on solving and graphing trig equations.  Finished 1-7 and turned it in.  Test next week!

alg I -    WE turned in our work and worked on making animal pens.  Final part of class was Loteria!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

thursday 5/17

alg II hp -   Another day of challenging d=rt and a system problem as well.  Hw is p.389 #41-43, 45, 54.

alg II -    We reviewed yesterday's class work and #8 in the HOlt book p. 1031.  The class did another application of a trig equation and then worked on 7 trig problems.  We will spend more time on it tomorrow.

alg I -  We had a lecture to clear up some quadratic misconceptions.  After we practiced more quadratics.  Due Friday.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday 5/16

alg II hp -  Another example of the d=rt problems, after we had notes on adding rational functions.  Hw is p. 388 #3, 6, 20. 22.

alg II -  We got our quizzes back and there was a major improvement.  WE also took notes on complex trig equations and finding solutions.  The class did p. 1031 #1-4, 8.  No hw but test next week.

alg I -  We looked at a system problem and took our quiz.  We also had time for singing for those who are ready!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday 5/15

alg II hp -    You got your first taste of an application of rational functions.   After you took notes on simplifying rational functions.  Hw is p. 380 #4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 30.

alg II hp -    We started with p. 492 #240-27, 37, 38.  Turned in at the end of class.  Final part of class was the quiz.  No hw.

alg I -   More videos on quad formula.   In groups you worked 3 quadratic problems (solving, graphing, application) and a perf task on fencing.  Due on Friday.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday 5/14

alg II hp --  We reviewed Friday's problems and had WODB.  Finished in groups working on p. 598 in Holt #33-42.  If you missed, it was another day of graphing rational functions.  No hw if you finished the problems.

alg II -  We reviewed the quiz from last week and then played unit circle loteria!  Last part of class was #23 on p. 491 in text.  No hw but make sure you know the unit circle and how to use the calculator.

alg I -  Warm up 22, WODB and notes on quad formula with video.  No hw.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday 5/11

alg II hp -  We reviewed the graphs from yesterday and tried 4 more.  No hw but there are some videos on another post to watch if you are still struggling..

alg II -   We added to our notes and did whiteboard practice on the quiz material.  We are going to take the same quiz again on Tuesday so make sure you are actively trying to learn the material.  No hw.

alg I -   Students turned in their work for the week.  We also did another math task on quadratics and Pythagorean.  No hw.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

hp videos on rational function graphs

If you are in HP alg II, you may want some more explanations on graphing rational functions and/ or finding asymptotes.  I found some videos that seem good.  If you feel you want to know the material better, give them a look.

Graphing rational functions

Finding asymptotes - though they don't address oblique asymptotes

oblique (slant) asymptotes

Thursday 5/10

alg II hp -  p 370 #21-24 to start, whiteboards on transforming the rational function parent function, notes on more complex rational functions.  We started to graph 5 problems that involved looking for asymptotes, zeros and holes.

alg II -  reviewed solving trig equations and took our quiz on the same material.  Billy's back!  No hw.

alg I -  We compared graphing and factoring.  We also did another right triangle problem that used integer and irrational numbers.  Work due tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Wednesday 5/9

alg II hp -  Did a lot of review of the year on whiteboards (graphs of logs, exponentials, ellipses;  solving a polynomial; summation notation; finding a term in a geometric sequence); notes on limits and graphing rational functions.  Hw is p. 370 #3, 8, 12 and 16 (I may be wrong about the last 2 but it is the same type of problem).

alg II - Started with the jellyfish swimming in a circle problem and then took notes on graphing sine and cosine functions.  Hw is #13-15 p. 491

alg I -   We had a do-now on simplifying rational expressions (fractions) followed by whiteboards on graphing linear and quadratic functions. Finished with the task on the rocket and its height.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday 5/8

alg II hp -  Unit test   where were you Gracie???

alg II -  I hope Justin came today because we had a Kahoot!  We also reviewed the walkabout problems and took notes on 9.4 graphing a sinusoid,.  hw is p. 491  #5-12

ag I -   We reviewed the hw from Monday and did another quad sequence.  No hw but sequence due on Friday.

Monday, May 7, 2018

monday 5/7

alg II hp -    we looked at some problems on the review guide and worked on sinusoids.  Study as the test is tomorrow.

alg II  - we did #48 in section 9.3; walkabout problems on solving trig equations and finding all solutions.  9-4 notes  kahoot if there is time.

alg I -   finding solutions from graphs and determing the y-value at all solutions.  relay     5 quadratics solve by factoring.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday 5/4

alg II hp - some really great practice problems today in class- answers are on the blue magnet hook on the board;  test on Tuesday.

alg II -   More unit circle practice on both paper and whiteboards, including solving trig equations.

alg I - More quadratic graphing, a community circle on commitment; relay on polynomials and quadratics.,

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday 5/3

alg II hp  _  Performance task day.

alg II -    unit circle review and quiz on 9.1-9.3

alg I -    period 4 did the triangle task while period 5 did Holt p. 563 #3, 6, 7 and period 6 did the 2 math tasks.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wednesday 5/2

alg II hp - review from sub day; took a few minutes to write equations for sinusoids; whiteboards on graphing and solving; hw is p. 531 #1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14.

alg II  -  we practiced making the unit circle and did whiteboards on the material on tomorrow's quiz.  If you are looking for problems to work on, p. 496 #1-11.

alg I -  warm up 19 on graphing,  right triangle problem, 3 problems on graphs of quadratics

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tuesday 5/1

I was out today at a meeting; the sub gave the work.

period 1 was on p. 1031 of Holt alg II.

period 2 was in section 9.3 again.  Due tomorrow.

period 4-6   was in the red Holt algebra I book.  Due tomorrow.