Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday 4/28

alg II -    Today after reviewing the hw, we did whiteboard exercises on the stats unit to prepare for the test next Thursday.   We also looked at a study and determined how they collected data and if it was good study.    Hw is study if you have an opportunity; the review guide is online.

alg I -    Today we wrote a quad equation from a table; #5 on page 779 in the CME book.  We also did 3 more problems from the Holt book; p. 579 #17-19.  Some classes had time to take the square root notes..  Work from this week was turned in today.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Alg II Review Guide for Stats

There will be 13 problems on the test for this unit.  I budgeting about 35 minutes to take the test with plenty of time to check your answers.  Most of the info is in the book from 11.1 to 11.4; there is nothing on the test from 11.5.  However, you will need to make a box n whisker which is not in the book.  Knowing the vocab will make a big difference.

Here is the breakdown:

1 making a box and whiskers from a data set
1 finding errors in the way an experiment was performed.
1 finding errors with a survey
2 determining which is the best way to collect data (experiment, simulation, observation, survey) depending on a situation
3 determining probability based on normal distribution (68-95-99.7), including making the bell curve from mean and SD
1 explaining an experiment
1 determining experiment vs. OS
1 on the best way to get a sample
1 making a bell curve from a data set
1 on naming outliers


bell curve video (numbers are slightly different)

probability from bell

experimental design

Your notes should be good study references, but here are some pages in the book to look at:
p. 600 #3-5, 13-20, 28
p. 609 exploration #1-3
p. 614 #9-11, 21-24, 26, 30-31, 40
p. 623 #3, 7-11

Thursday 4/27

alg II -  We took a situation about Bangladesh and created a frequency table from it and then calculated the probabilities for possible family size.  For the last part of class, we did #3,4,6,7 in section 11.5, which is hw if you didn't finish it in class.

alg I -  After reviewing a few of the problems from Wed (7 around the room), we practiced our math voacb in partners, then took notes on solving quadratics by factoring.  For hw, there were 6 problems from the Holt book where you solved quadratics by factoring.  If you missed, you can find six problems in the green book and solve those by factoring.   Check table of contents or index to figure out where that is.
Work for the week is turned in tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

4/26 Wednesday

What a great late start.  Hope you made it to class but if you didn't here is the haps for the day:

alg II -    We looked at a statistical situation on parental strictness and constructed a way to collect data and a good way to make questions that quantify qualities.  After, we practiced making box n whiskers on the calculator and talked about how statistics can be inaccurate.  Lastly, we took the notes on 11.5.  No hw.

alg I -  After reviewing the key features on a parabola, we did some spot the differences.  The rest of class, students had to do the 7 problems around the room.  They will still be on the walls tomorrow, so copy them down if you were absent.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

4/25/17 Tuesday

alg II -    The stat unit continues.  We started with #12 in 11.4.  After looking at yesterday's work, we learned how to do box 'n' whiskers and we compared to two class quiz scores.  No hw.

alg I -  We started class by reviewing graphing linear system of equations.  After talking about yesterday's work, we looked at a different way to graph quadratics.

Monday, April 24, 2017

4/24/17 Monday

alg II -  Quiz today on 11.11 - 11.2.   They did not look so great as it was an open note quiz.  I would suggest doing more practice from these units.  Afterwards, we explored 11.4 in the book and took notes.  Hw tonight is p.  623 #1-5, 8-11.

alg I -    We did another quadratic sequence and we had 3 quadratic equations to graph.  Both will be due at the end of the week.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Friday 4/21

I'm out for today for volunteer service but the sub will let you know what you are responsible for

alg II -    The sub will assign more problems from 11.3, most of them are on p. 615, that you will turn in at the end.

alg I -    Mr Russell has the plan for the day.  I think it is a Kahoot and a few other things.   Many things were turned in today from the week.  Turn them in on Monday if you haven't yet.

Thursday 4/20/17

alg II -   We reviewed the hw from Tuesday and did #25 from 11.2.  We finished the explorations (2 and 3) from the beginning of 11.3 and then got 11.3 notes.  hw is #2-7 from 11.3.

alg I -    We talked about our budgets and how it stinks to be poor.  After we did an open-middle problem, followed by a fence problem.  The end of the class we used whiteboards.  Open middle and fence problem due on Friday.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wednesday 4/19

alg II - Some of you missed today because of the election.  If you want to make up the work we did in class, it was p. 602 #28 and a handout called "do you fit?"   We also did exploration #1 at the start of 11.3.  No hw.

alg I -    Today we worked on the living budget and how careers can influence that budget.
You will turn in your budget on Friday.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

tuesday 4/18

alg II -    We did more work on 11.1.  If you missed, you can look at them on p. 601 #20-23, 27.  For the final part of class, we took notes on 11.2 and then did p. 607 #2,3,5,6,10-14,17.

alg I - WE had some time to finish the quadrilateral exercise before doing an open middle problem.  The last part of class was on another quadratic sequence.  The quadrilateral exercise and the sequence will be due on Friday.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday 4/17

alg II -  Today we started 11.1 and took notes on normal distribution, mean and standard deviations.  Hw is p. 600 # 2-6, 7-19 odd

alg I -  today we did warm up #12 on factoring polynomials and then started a quadrilateral project that will be due in a day or two.