Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week of Thanksgiving

I think all of you have taken a test recently and there will be no hw during the break this week.
We will go back to work Monday for a few weeks and then start our final review preparation and then finals week.
This is your LAST opportunity to raise your grade.  No late work will be accepted after Dec. 4th.

Please have fun with your family and friends this week since that is the purpose of these holidays.
Paz a los todos!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday- Friday

I will be out for the rest of the week.  There will be a good sub there but I can post the work for the week here as well.

Alg II -  8-14 evens, 33  Text tonight
test on next Tuesday, review on Monday, pg 764 #22-32, 48+49 on Friday, p. 764 # 1-13, 47 on Thursday, p. S41 on Wed (applications at the back of the text)

Alg I - p. 308-9  #11-16; test friday

pre calc - Test on Friday; you have the review info and review sheet.  Study!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday 11/15

Alg II - no hw but start studying your conics and knowing the difference between each kind.  more hyperbolas on Monday

alg I - hw packet due on Monday

pre calc - no hw

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday 11/14

alg II - handout C:  #2, 8, 9; hyperbolas coming your way!

alg I - p. 257 in the explorations book   don't forget about the work on p. 301-302 that we will turn in next week

pre calc -  none; start thinking serious - muchos chistos!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wed 11/13

alg II -  handout C  1,3,4,5,6  only; we will do more of it tomorrow and move onto another conic on Friday.

alg I -  p. 301 text  20-30 evens  and 41

pre calc - p. 149 text #6-13
Happy Wednesday and have a good night!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday 11/12

alg II -  p. 732 #1-7, 10, 18, 24, 26, 28, 37

alg I - p. 301  #1-15 odd

pre calc - p.149   #1-3  and quiz tomorrow

Monday, November 11, 2013

Alg II game plan for rest of semester 11/11

Alg II- Here is the curriculum guide for the rest of the semester as designed by Mr Okla.  We are 2 days behind due to the training and common core, and yes my project.  Have no fear, we are great classes and will easily catch up to the others and much more than just proficient.

10.3 Ellipses-writing equations & horizontal compressions and stretches10.4 Hyperbolas10.4 Hyperbolas10.4 Hyperbolas
QUIZ ON 10.2 & 10.3
10.5 Parabolas10.6 Identifying conicsSUBBED OUT10.6 Identifying conics
10.6 Identifying conics
8-2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions8-3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions8-3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions8-4 Graphing Rational Functions by Transformations

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wed 11/6

Alg II - Test tomorrow!  Hopefully you have been studying and I hope that your POU is turned in.  If not, do it and return it to me at once.  Project Friday.

alg i - write a word problem that involves constant rate of change

pre calc - handout on adding functions

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday 11/4

alg II - study!!!!   POU due on Wed and Test on Thursday and project on Friday

Alg I - p. 294 text #13-26   Quiz on Wed

p. 128  #1-4, 12, 15  text   Quizzes were very good!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Frid 11/1

Happy Day of the Dead for those who are celebrating!

alg II - finish 25-30 from the classwork we did today.   Test on Thursday.  POU due on Wed.

alg i - have the hw packet ready to turn in.  Quiz on Wed.

pre calc - no hw; parent function quiz and 4-2 on Monday