Tuesday, February 28, 2017

tueseday 2/28

alg II -  More factoring practice today as well as looking at p. 380 #21, 22.  After reviewing the past test, we started the work p. 380 #15-19, 26-28 in text.

alg I -      p. 617 #9, 10.   notes on the ZPP (zero product property) then p. 623 #1, 2, 4, 8 in text.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday 2/27/17

alg II -  Started today with a relay on working with fractions.   We furthered that with notes on comparing fractions and rational expressions.  Hw is p. 380 #3-6, 11, 13 in text.

alg I -  We reviewed the test from last week.  After we tried to solve quadratic equations by using guess and check.  Finally we started today's work p. 616 #1-4, 9

Thursday, February 23, 2017


My daughter threw up on Wednesday so I am home with her today.  there will be a sub.

alg II - you have a very easy day on math applications

alg I -  Mr Russell should have a warm up and then you will work in groups on a handout on mitosis patterns.

thursday 2/23/17

Today was a test day for all classes.  If you missed it, you will make it up the day you come back.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday 2/22/17

alg II -  more review, mostly on graphing- did  #54 on p. 324; also reviewed perf task.

alg I -   'Today we did #22 on wodb.ca and then we had our perf tas,k.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday 2/21/17

alg II -  Today was the review for the test on Thursday.  We had Kahoot, a word problem (p. 339 #57) and whiteboard problems on solving.

alg I -  These classes also had a Kahoot as well as some problems from the Holt book p,n760 #21, 22 and then we played a google game and them did some sci not practice.

Friday, February 17, 2017

algebra I review guide exponential functions

Our test is next thursday 2/ 23/17, on exponential functions (hopefully you knew that already)

There should be 9-10 questions

1 on rules of exponents
1 on simplifying radicals
1 graphing an exponential functions
1 "which one doesn't belong"- be prepared to use grade level appropriate math vocab
1 writing an exponential equation from a table
2 growth/ decay applications
1 scientific notation application
1 pythagorean problem where you will be expected to put your answer in simplified radical form

If you are using the book to study, here are some places to go to:

p. 529 #3,4  don't have to do all of them
p. 536 #12
p. 539 #6
p. 555 #6
p. 577 #12, 13
p. 588 #9

I couldn't find a Pythagorean problem in the book but you can look it up on google or youtube or even ask a teacher if you need help with it!

Friday 2/17/17

alg II -  Today was performance task day!  Groups of four worked on the applications of logs and exponentials.  If you missed today, you will make it up on Tuesday.  Hw is to study for unit test which is now next Thursday.

alg I -  We reviewed the quiz and then had a whiteboard review for the unit to prepare for next week's test and performance task.  Lastly, we looked at endangered species and saw how they fit into a decay model.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

thursday 2/16

I was out of the classroom today due to a conference.  I had the sub give the work for each class, which was as follows:

alg II -    there was a handout on log equations.

alg I -  p. 604 in text  #2a, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

Review Guide for alg II logs/ exponentials

9-10 questions on this one from logs/ exponential unit.

1 graphing a log or exponential function
1 on domain and range
6 solving equations   either log or exponential
2 applications on models
1 extra credit!

I did post some video links about 10 or so posts earlier so check those out if you need assistance.

Here are some problems in the book you can look at (though there are some solving equations from the Holt book, which we did already).

p. 300 #15, 21, 22
p. 315 #43, 59, 60
p. 322 #7, 11, 13, 28, 30, 39
p. 331 #9, 15, 27, 32
p 338 #5, 7, 16, 17, 18, 33, 39, 63, 67
p. 346 #19, 32

wednesday 2/15

alg II -  Very easy day; we looked at solving an exponential using a log and then spent the rest of class working on the computers.  We used the desmos graphing calc. and also a desmos activity- both of these should help people taking the common core test next month (juniors).  Hw is to review for next week's test.

alg I -    If you didn't take the quiz, you made it up today;   Others worked on computers with www.desmos.com.  We worked on the graphing calc, avi and benita exponential vs linear activity and the marble slides with exponential functions.  No hw.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

tuesday 2/14/17

alg II -   We didn't have time for the writing task yesterday so we did it today.  Then we worked in groups on p. 552 in the Holt book.  Good log applications to get us ready for the perf task on Friday.

alg I -  After the quiz on square roots, we reviewed yesterday's work and embellished on the notes, too.  Lastly, we worked in groups on p. 751 in the Holt book.


Monday, February 13, 2017

monday 2/13/17

alg II -  Started class with #39 on p. 348 in text.  Progressed to a writing prompt and took some notes for 6-7 on regression.  Hw is p. 346 # 3, 4, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19

alg I -  We reviewed graphing and exponents and then compared linear vs exponential models.  Hw is the handout that compares those models.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday 2/10/17

alg II -  We were in groups today doing a lot of applications with logs and exponential functions.  We did many problems from other books (the decay model of speed and the decay model of farms.  Then we did more log regression work with our calculators using the text we did the astronaut problem in 6-7.

alg I -    We spent the first 10 minutes finishing the work from Thursday, then we turned in the week's work.  Mr Russell did his famous 4 corners on sci not and exponential functions.  We wrapped in up with whiteboards and a raffle.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday 2/9/17

alg II - WOW, great efforts on the challenge problems!  Not easy and we did pretty well on log regression.  No hw.

alg I -    After we took hw questions, we had warm up 6 on sci not and exponential functions.  Lastly, we worked in groups on p 703 #32-36 in the holt book.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday 2/8/17

I was at a smart board training all day and the sub projected the work to do.  alg II turned in at the end of class and alg I will turn it in on Friday.

alg II -  The sub projected the chapter test from ch 6 and you were to do just 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13

alg I -   The sub projected p. 542 and students were to do #1-5.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

tuesday 2/7/17

alg II -  Hope you stayed dry.  We went over the quiz from last week, tried some challenging problems on plutonium half-life as well as a tough exponential, then started today's work p. 526 #9-12, 16 in the holt book.

alg I -  Period 6 had to finish the notes and work on the 6  problems from Monday.  Other classes did warm up #5 on pythagorean and roots, then worked on the CANDY BAR problem and the BUNNY PROBLEM.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday 2/6/17

alg II -   Had ourselves an math application using a log , then reviewed the properties on the whiteboards.  We finished by starting tonight's work p. 338  # 22-28evens, 33-35, 41.

alg I -    Today we had another writing prompt on technology in the math room.  After looking at p 550 #1,10, we had notes on square roots and then practiced on the whiteboard.   Tonight's work was 6 problems on the board.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Friday 2/3

alg II -    We reviewed yesterday's work, then did some review on graphing and domain and range and completed the class with a quiz.

alg I -    After we turned in the work from this week and did a Kahoot we had our rules of exponents quiz.  No hw for the weekend.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

thursday 2/2/17

alg II -  Hw review, did some really tough problems and many students made great progress on the log properties.  Finally, we did 5,7,9 on p. 338 and hw is 11,14,17 on same page.

Anthony asked for some problems for the quiz tomorrow.  Here are some that could help:  p. 322 #7, 11    p. 331` #28, 31, 41      p. 338 #9

alg I -  Today we finished the work from yesterday and then did a handout on space and scientific notation.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday 2/1/17

alg II -   Another day on log properties.  We worked through an application on a growth model, reviewed the hw and then started today's work p. 331 #  22-25, 31-34, 41.

Quiz Friday on 6.4-6.5

alg I  -   Warm up #4 and p. 428 in the Holt book.

Quiz Friday on the rules of exponents.