Friday, September 7, 2018

Algebra I syllabus

Algebra I 2018-2019  - Mr. Parker and Mr. Russell    
Room: L109                 395-3204 Phone extension: 71-159
Blog: –check for hw
·  Mr. Russell’s website

Both will be taken and given to house offices.


Beware:  Any senior missing more than 120 classes, will not be eligible to walk the stage at graduation.  This includes excused absences.

Becoming the Algebra rock stars that you always dreamed of by mastering:
Solving Functions (many kinds!)        Graphing     System of Equations

***  Main Objectives -Standards of Mathematical Practice!!
·        Don’t give up without giving it your best effort
·        Be able to explain your thinking to others and understand theirs
·        Be able to apply math in real world contexts
Important: Every STEM class is built on this one!!

  • To be responsible for completing work.  You can always email your peers or teachers if you are absent.  Try not to be absent.
  • To participate in class.  The more engaged you are in the class, the more you will learn and the easier the class will be.
  • To come to class with the best attitude you can bring, and I’ll do the
  • Take responsibility for your actions!  You will be an adult soon!

Parents:  Check Illuminate every week with your child.  It is updated frequently.  If you don’t know the codes, contact your child’s advisor for instructions. 

NO: walking in front of the teacher during instruction, electronic devices, cursing, eating/drinking, gum chewing, interrupting, hitting, teasing, tardiness, yelling, leaving seat, throwing things,  disruption or disrespect.
Listed below are recommended materials for students taking Algebra I.   These materials are not required, and full participation in the course does not require the purchase of any of these materials. State law requires us to provide a public education free of charge. Subject to certain exceptions, the right to a free public education means we cannot require students or their families to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment, or to make donations to a class activity or program.

Materials for EACH class:  pencils, math notebook, a math folder or binder, calculator, graph paper and this syllabus.
Textbook:  Algebra I by CME  (can leave at home)

Students enrolled in SAMOHI are not required to pay any fee, deposit, or other charge for participation in an educational activity offered by the school or the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District, except as authorized by law. Donations are sought and accepted for various activities and supplies, and are at times critical to the continued success of classes and activities, but donations are voluntary.

GRADING - Your scores on the following will determine grades:
Work                     25%            B=80-89
Tests/ projects                         40%                      C=70-79
Quizzes/ performance tasks      20%                      D = 60-69
Final                                        15%                      F below 60
CLASSWORK AND HOMEWORK: the biggest factor in your grades!!!
There will be homework 4-5 times a week.  We will collect some of it at the end of the week, some at the end of class.  You may still turn it in the next week for 50-75% credit.  No homework can be turned in more than 1 weeks late.
***      If you are having issues, we can help you: during office hours or by emails.

OFFICE HOURS:  Lunch- M, Tu, Th.  Afterschool – M, W

  • We usually give 2-3 quizzes and a test a month.  In addition to these, there will be a final in January and in June.  You will take a performance task with every unit.  For these, you will work with a partner and be allowed to use your notes.
  • If you miss a test, you will make it up the day you return.  Anyone who fails a test is expected to make test corrections outside of class in my room.
  • Cheating will result in a zero on your test.

·        See your teacher during office hours.
·        Go to SAMOHI  afterschool tutoring – many options.
·        Look up videos on .  Khan Academy is good!!
·  Mr. Russell’s website

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