Monday, August 22, 2016

alg II syllabus

Algebra II  2016-2017  - Mr. Parker                 
Room L109                  395-3204 Phone extension: 71-159
Email: Email is the best way to contact me!!

Blog: – check for announcements or hw

Both will be taken and given to house offices.
Please get a calculator if you need one!!  No phones can be used.  TIs are good.  I have some loaners but not enough for everyone. has a graphing calculator on it as well.

Mastering the following and being able to apply:
Transformations            Solving Polynomials               
Rational Equations                  Radical equations                              Logarithms
Statistics                        Trigonometry                          Conic Sections    

Standards  of  Mathematical Practice
·        Solve problems without giving up
·        Be able to communicate your math ideas to others
·        Be able to solve real world problems

  • To be responsible for completing work and your own actions.
  • Work with others.  It is part of the standards of mathematical practice to share your thought process.
  • To participate in class.  The more engaged you are in the class, the more you will learn and the easier the class will be.
  • Be on time!

NO: electronic devices, cursing, eating/drinking, gum chewing, interrupting, hitting, teasing, tardiness, yelling, leaving seat, throwing things, walking in front of the teacher during instruction, disruption or disrespect.

Prompt, seat change, call home, send to house office, class detention, sat school. Suspension.
Materials for EACH class:  pencils, math notebook, a math folder or binder, calculator, straight edge, graph paper, workbook and this syllabus.  BRING THEM!
Textbook:  Big Ideas Algebra 2

GRADING - Your scores on the following will determine grades:
Work                                        20%                      B=80-89
Tests/ projects                         30%                      C=70-79
Quizzes/ performance tasks     20%                      D = 60-69
Participation                                     10%                      F below 60
Final                                       20%                                        

The final is usually very difficult.  Prepare for it!

Students/ Parents:  Check Illuminate every week with your child.  It is updated frequently.  If you don’t know the codes, contact your child’s advisor for instructions. 

There will be homework 4-5 times a week. Homework will be checked randomly for completion 2-3 times a week.  Students who do hw consistently, do well in my class.  Check the blog to see which problems were assigned.
***    If you are having problems, I can help you before school and at lunch.  I am in my room after school when it is not wrestling season.  I also return emails for assistance.

·         I usually give 2-4 quizzes and a test a month.  In addition to these, there will be a final in January and in June.  Projects can be counted as tests as well. You will take a performance task with every unit.  For these, you will work with a partner and be allowed to use your notes.
·         If you miss a test, you will make it up the day you return.  Anyone who fails a test can make test corrections.

·        See your teacher during office hours.
User name:                                        password:
·        Go to afterschool tutoring (Mon-Thurs.)  See  schedule.
·        Try the Khan Academy on
·        Be assertive!

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