Friday, November 30, 2018

friday 11/30

pre calc -  We went over the hw and did 2 problems on log properties.  No hw.

alg I -   We did warm up 16 on graphs and turned in.  Finished class with the Battleship problem.  No hw.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

thursday 11/29

pre calc -   We reviewed yesterday's work and then did whiteboard exercises on solving equations and rules of exponents;  After taking notes on log properties, we did p. 207  # 5, 7, 13, 15, 37-42.

alg i -   we had warm up 15, then took our quiz on linear functions.  Finished the class with the Battleship activity.   Work due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

wed 11/28

pre calc =   p. 189 #21-27 odds, p. 200 # 55-57;   no hw but make sure you can transform!!

alg I -   We had p. 366 #1-2 and p. 379 #4abd   Quiz tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday/ Tuesday 11/26-11/27

pre calc-  Did some whiteboard exercises on solving log and exponential equations;  took notes on log vs. exponential graphs;   did a task involving 3 conics.

alg I -    We had a lot to do in our 90 minutes.  We took notes on SOEs and then did 3 stations;  then we had races and graphed the races.   Quiz on linear functions this week.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wednesday 1121

This was an early dismissal day

pre calc-   Period 2 looked at an alg II exponential problem and then went into bonus time;   period 4 had to review the test and take the pre test before bonus time.

Enjoy the holiday!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday and Tuesday 11/19 and 11/20

Flex time -     pre calc did perf tasks that could count as quizzes;   algebra I could work on their projects

pre calc-   conics challenge;  pre test for our next unit;   The next unit is our last for the semester and it is exponential functions and logarithms.   We were also on working on graph transformations.

algebra I -     we worked on our linear logo project;   due Wednesday

Thursday, November 15, 2018

thursday 11/16

pre calc -   reviewed for our test tomorrow; check out the review guide.   see you then.

alg I -   We reviewed the quiz and yesterday's hw;  notes on point-slope vs. slope-intercept.  Hw is p. 361 #14, 17, 18, 19, 23.  Work due on fridays.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday 11/14/18

pre calc-   After test questions, we did a circle equation and tried to avoid the "quicksand."  We finished with a hyperbola question.  Hw is to study for test on Friday.

alg I -    We finished our task from Tuesday and took a short quiz.  Hw is p. 361 #8-10, 13.  Due Friday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Monday 11/13/18

pre calc -  Started by deriving the general equation for a circle and then finished with a concept connection on water skiing and conics.   Test this Friday.

alg I -    We had 6 problems around the room on using a data set to equations.   In the last part of class, we started a concept connection which we will finish tomorrow.  Quiz on graphing linear functions tomorrow as well.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

pre calc conics review guide

We will have our next unit test on Friday 11/16 on conic sections.
There should be about 8 conics problem and 1 problem from the last unit as well.

Identifying the center, vertex, co-vertex and asymptotes from a graph or equation - probably 3-4 MC questions

graph a conic - 2
complete the square - 1
real world application -1
use a conic equation to find a point of the graph - 1
write a conic equation based on written information about its key features -2
writing the equations for the asymptotes -1
writing a polynomials function from points on its graph - 1

You can try these problems from the book to cover most of these topics
p. 643 #8, 11, 17, 25, 27, 73
p. 653 #9, 11, 17, 23, 39, 68
p. 665 #9, 13, 16, 17, 41, 57-59
p. 98 #66

Not too much to look at given that you have a week!

Friday 11/9

pre calc -   HW review; did the matching in 9.3 #7-10; did a 6 part question on an ellipse; study guide if you have time for the test next Friday

alg I - Review the 3 problems ; warm up 13; 8 quick graphs done in a group; Quiz next Wednesday.

Thursday 11/8

I am out today at a conference but Mr Russell will be there for algebra I.  Have fun and do your best.

pre calc-  there are 7 problems that the sub will give you.  do these and turn them in.  See you Friday.

alg I -  Mr Russell wants to finish the presentations from Tuesday and there will be 2-3 word problems to do as well.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday 11/7

pre calc - Tough day today due to my absence tomorrow but we reviewed the ellipse problems from yesterday and took notes on the hyperbolas today.  Tomorrow you will do the problems -  check the  answer sheet if you get stuck.

alg I -   We reviewed the y=x line and used transformations to do quick graphs.  We ended class with notes on how to write equations.  Hw is to write equations for each of the 6 data sets on the board.  Due Friday.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Monday 11/5

pre calc -  today we started ellipses.   Notes and 6 problems on board.  Sub will have answers to those tomorrow as well as 7 more problems.

ALG I  -  A bit more quick graph practice as well as notes on linear functions/ slope and p. 331 #7abc, 8ab, and 10 for hw.  Due Friday.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday 11/2

pre calc -   We started with some matching on parabolas and their equations;  did #41 on p. 643 and then did one completing the square problem.   No hw.

alg I -  We finished the problems from yesterday; Did 9 problems around the room; finished class with a scatter plot task.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

video for alg I transformations and parent functions

Check out this video to get help for parent functions and  transformations.

Thursday 11/1

Post halloween exhaustion!    But a good effort all things considered.

pre calc -  started conics unit and circles.  Notes and practice on page 643 #1, 5, 7, 9, 10

alg I -   We are finishing our graphing unit by looking at functions and parent functions.  Warm up 12 was on graphing with the equations.  Classwork was on translating and reflecting functions with 8 problems on using those transformations.  Due Friday.