Thursday, November 30, 2017

thursday 11/30

alg II hp-   unit test day     the scores look good!

alg II -  we prepped for the test tomorrow.  Good luck!

alg I - Hw review, partner work on a line having only one slope.  Hw is to finish the handout.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday 11/29

alg II hp -  Review for test today.  Unit test tomorrow.  See the guide for practice problems

alg II -  Today was our performance task.  Well done!

alg I - We had group work on a math task about a toaster company.  Hw is p. 379 #4, 5

algebra II polynomial test period 2

If you are in period 1, you are looking at the wrong review guide.  Read an earlier post.

the period 2 test will have 8-9 problems

solving a polynomial function - 3
factoring a polynomial -1 to 2
graphing a polynomial function - 1
application of a polynomial -1
writing an equation from solutions and y-int. - 1
using a 2 variable equation - 1

Here are some problems in the book that you can look at:

p. 226 #1, 4
p. 227 #17, 20, 21
p. 228 #23, 24
p. 229 #34, 35
p. 231 #8

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday 11/28

alg II hp -   today was the perf task!  Review tonight for test on Thursday.

alg II -  We had some practice on the whiteboards as well as some practice on applications.  Tomorrow is the perf task and test on Friday.

alg I -    More coin problems and notes on systems of equations.   Hw is p. 372 #7, 8 10.   

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday 11/27

alg II hp -   Most of class was dedicated to factoring polynomials and writing factored equations from graphs with multiplicity using the whiteboards.  We also did some graphing calc work adjusting window set and table set functions.  Perf task tomorrow and look at review guide for test on Thursday.

alg II -   It was our final day on the project.  They look good!  Perf task on Wednesday and test on Friday.

alg I -  Warm up 20, a math task on skateboard sales, and closed with a circle on improving the class.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

algebra II review guide for poly test

The test is scheduled for the Thursday after TG, which I think is 11/30/17.  There are a lot of questions that I would like to put on it but due to time it may only be about 8-9 questions.  However, I will list a question or two that will be on the perf task as well since that could be a hard assessment.

solving polynomial equations (factoring/ synthetic division/ quad formula) - 3

graphing a polynomial function from description (using end behavior, multiplicity, y-int) - 1

naming a function even, odd, neither with evidence - 1

determining degree of a polynomial using graphing calc. and r-squared - 1

putting together the box and determining volume - 1

determining factors of a polynom. using synthetic division - 1

solving a 2 variable equation (in function notation) when given a value - 1

 write an equation from solutions in factored form-1

problems from book to look at:

p. 177 #17, 18
p. 184 #5, 6, 13, 26, 36, 46, 52
p. 194 #10, 12, 20, 51
p. 202 #15, 16, 47
p. 216 #3-8, 39-42, 52
p. 224 #23, 18

Tues/ wed 11/21 and 11/22

Hope you all enjoy a very nice TG weekend with friends and family.

alg II hp -   Getting ready for our end of the unit assessments (perf task and unit test).  We reviewed the quiz and also tried to write another polynomials from solutions.  Seems like calculation errors are unavoidable!  We finished by doing #23 on p. 224.   Wednesday p. 231 #8 No hw.

alg II -  We started our project on Polynomial Rorschac drawings.  Due at the end of class on Monday.

alg I -   Day 2 and 3 of our linear logo project.  due at the end of class on Wednesday.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday 11/20/17

alg II hp-  After our writing prompt, we took notes on the Even vs Odd behaviors in section 4.8.  Hw is p. 217  #39-42.

alg II -  We took our notes on the Rational Root Theorem and practiced on page 202 #9. 11,
 13,15.  Finish for hw.

alg I -   We started our logo project today.  It is due on Wednesday. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Friday 11/17

alg II hp -   Took our last polynom. quiz on solving equations and writing from solutions.  Also did #52 on p. 218 and #44 on p.  203.  Started the class by writing an equation in factored form from a graph that has multiplicity.

alg II -  took our quiz on factoring polynomials.

alg I  -  took our unit test on linear functions.  Many did well, but some need to see me about re-takes.  If you missed, you will make it up on Monday.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday 11/16

alg II hp =  Wrote the equation for a polynomial from a graph that had multiplicity and reviewed the hw.  Had a kahoot on Poly. factorization.  Finished with the hardest problem of the semester #55, p. 218.  No hw, quiz tomorrow.

alg II -   Worked on finding solutions from factors of a polynomial, including imaginary solutions.  /?#4, 10 in Holt book.  Had a kahoot to close the class on factoring polynomials.  No hw but quiz tomorrow.

alg I   warm up 18 and review for test tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday 11/15

alg II hp -  Besides reviewing the hw, we did #26 from the same page 194 and reviewed conjugates and how to write an equation given one of the conjugates.  We also did $51 to end the class. Hw is p. 195 #11, 27, 32.

alg II -  Today we started with #6 on p. 194 on how to solve a polynom using factoring.  We went over the hw and finished with notes on writing an equation from solutions.  No hw.

alg I-  Today we had our performance task on graphing linear functions.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday 11/14

alg II hp -  We started with #47 in 4-6 and then reviewed the hw.  We did 2 more problems that involved finding the conjugate and making equations.  Hw is p. 194 #13, 18, 23, 25

alg II -  We started with p. 194 #3 and then reviewed hw.  We continued factoring on p. 184 #15, 16, 30, 31, 35, 40, 41, 57.  Finish for hw.

alg I -  After reviewing the hw and review guide, we did 2 math tasks and turned them in.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday 11/13

alg II hp -  notes on solving using rational root theorem; hw is p. 194; I can't remember which problems but I think there was about 5 of them.  Sorry!

alg II -  notes on factoring poynomials; hw is p. 184 #5-10, 13.

alg I -   notes on isolating y in an equation in standard form; hw is p.  368 #1abc, 2ab, 3ab. 4.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

review guide for alg I linear functions test

Hi alg. I-ers,
We have our unit test on Friday November 17th.  It should be about 10 questions.

Here are the concepts on the test
graphing equations - 3
writing equations from data/ graph - 3
slope of a graph - 1
applications of linear functions - 2
isolating a variable in an equation

If you want to look at problems in the book, here are some I found:

p. 330 #1abc, 3, 10
p. 351 #7, 8
p. 355 #3
p. 360 #1abc, 2ab, 3ab, 8, 10
p. 366 #2

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday 11/9

Enjoy your your holiday and weekend.

alg II hp -  district assessment; no hw

alg II -district assessment; no hw

alg I -  district assessment;. no hw

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday 11/8

alg II hp -   Today we reviewed hw and then took our quiz on dividing and factoring polynomials.  Hw is p. 194 #2-7

alg II -   Today we reviewed hw from yesterday and took our quiz on Pascal's triangle and dividing polynomials

alg I -   After hw review, we took our quiz on writing and graphing linear equations.  hw is p. 362#28-31

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

tuesday 11/7

alg II hp - quiz tomorrow on factoring and polynomial division.  Today we went over #39 p. 178, reviewed the hw, did whiteboard exercises on factoring and dividing, hw is p. 185 #51-55.

alg II -  We reviewed the hw, took notes on synthetic division, practiced for our quiz tomorrow and hw is p. 177 #11-16.

alg I -  We reviewed our task from Monday, did whiteboard exercises on graphing and writing linear equations, hw is p. 360 #1-3 (abcd only), 6, 8, 10.

period 6 -  Took notes on writing equations from data sets and had 5 problems for hw.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday 11/6

Hi -   sub day so I could watch my daughter.

alg II hp -   you did 12 factoring problems in section 4.4.  It was due at the end of the period; some did not get it in, so please do so ASAP.  If you missed, do any 12 in that section.

alg II -   You had to do problems 5-10 in section 4.3.  also due at end of class.  Make it up if you missed today.

alg I -  Mr Russell had a warm up and math task.  He then assigned from the book, p. 366 #1-2.  Due Friday.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday 11/3

alg II hp -  Today we started with #23, 24, 28, 37 in section 4.3,  We took notes on factoring polynomials and did problems #13, 15, 26, 39-41 on p.  184.  We will do more problems on this page on Monday.

alg II -  We took notes on dividing polynomials using long division.  Finished class with our quiz on mult/ sub/ graphing polynomials.

alg I -  After turning in our work for the week, we got notes on equations of lines.  In groups we did a math task and turned it in.  Quiz on Wednesday.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday 11/2

alg II hp =  started by completing the notes from yesterday on synthetic division.  We then put it to use by doing p. 177 #12, 14, 18.  Hw is p. 184 # 5-7 on factoring.

alg II p -  Quiz tomorrow!  Finished the Pascal's Triangle notes and did 2 of those problems.  No hw.  look at p. 188 #6-8 for tomorrow's quiz.
subtracting, multiplying and graphing polynomials.

alg I -   did p. 351 #7, 8 and warm up 16.  due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

wed 11/1

alg II hp -   Today we revisited geometry by doing #54 on pg. 172.  After reviewing the hw, we took notes on synthetic division.  We did not finish them so we will save that practice until tomorrow, however, if you did not do last night's long division, do it tonight.

alg Ii -  Class started with #56 on p. 172, creating a volume equation for a geometrical figure.  After looking at #45  from last night's hw, we looked at raising a binomial to the 6th power by hand and then by using Pascal's Triangle.  We are in the midst of finishing this so no hw.  Some of you can make up late work!

alg I -  We reviewed #10 from yesterday's hw and then did a math task on cell phone plans.  Hw is to finish the task if you did not do so yet.