Friday, March 31, 2017
Friday 3/31/17
Everyone enjoy your break and come back strong.
alg II - We finished our project and they look great decorating the room!
alg I - Students got their tests back and we took questions about the test/
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Thursday 3/30/17
alg II - today we looked at Shephard Fairey's work and then did our geometrical self portrait in his style. due tomorrow!!
alg I - Today was test day! You will make it up when you return if you missed!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Wednesday 3/29
alg II - A day of games and puzzles; we also did another sequence problem. No hw.
alg I - A day of review for the test on Thursday. Don't forget to check the review guide which is on my blog in another post.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Alg I Review Guide Polynomials
Hey we have our test this Thursday!
On our test, you will be asked to:
add/ subtract polynomials
multiply polynomials
factor polynomials using a GCF
factor trinomials with no GCF
know the vocab on polynomials
Here are some problems in the book that could be helpful
p. 675 #7 all
p. 637 definitions
p. 627 #2
p. 635 #13
p.646 #4
p. 650 #1abc
Your book does not have a lot of problems for factoring trinomials, so I would look at your work from the Holt book from last week. P. 675 #7 was all I could find and I did not see the answers in the back of the book.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Monday 3/27/17
Very easy day for all classes. Both groups had computers and were on Algebra II did marble slides for rational functions and marble miniature gold.
Algebra I also did mini marble golf and did Build a Better Fence, which is like the problem we did last week on the fencing.
Alg I has a test on Thursday!!
Friday, March 24, 2017
Friday 3/24
alg II - Today was our unit test. If you missed it, you will make it up on Monday.
alg I - We finished the Circle Fever task from Thursday. A few classes worked on an order of operations puzzle and finished with some factoring problems #1-6 which are due on Monday.
Enjoy the weekend and look forward to the break.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Thursday 3/23
alg II - Missing a lot of people due to career day. However, we still had a small but nice review group. Most people wanted to review the variations and solving rational functions.
Check out the review guide for things to practice.
alg I - Today we finished the work we left off on yesterday, p. 462 in the Holt book (sheep pens). We then did another quadratic sequence task that required a lot of perseverance.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
video for alg I factoring
Here are a few videos on factoring trinomials I found that are good. The first is from Dr Burger and the other is from mathbff.
The third one one focuses on factoring polynomials by GCF.
The last one is by Khan Academy and puts both types of factorizations in one problem. They also factor the trinomial using the "split the binomial" method - better known as the Avi.
Hope they help and let me know if you find better or different ones. Copy and paste web address into browser to get to video.
monday / tuesday 3/20-3/21
alg II= Today we worked on more d=rt problems which we will see on the perf task. We also worked on graphing rational functions and domain and range for them. See the review guide or ask me questions if you are unsure about things>
perf task and test this week!
alg I - On these days, we had warm up 11 on factoring and we did a Tarsia puzzle. Groups did a nice job working together and finding solutions.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
alg II rational function review guide
We will have our rational function test next Friday 3/23/17 as it seems not to conflict with other classes. The test will consist of (number of problems is stated after concept):
adding or subtracting rational expressions - 1
dividing rational functions - 1
solving a rational function and determining reasonableness of solutions - 3 to 4
inverse or direct variation - 1
Sorry for this late addtion, but as I said in class, there will be 1 graphing question and 1 on domain and range. But to my credit, I already put graphing problems to practice on p 370 below so if you were practicing, then you are going to be ready anyway!
There will also be a performance task on Wednesday 3/21/17 that will definitely have at least 2 d = rt and probably a very complex fraction on it. May see popcorn prism or penguin problem again. (efficiency)
Here are some problems that I found in our book that would be good to do/ redo:
p. 363 #11-14, 17, 27
p. 370 # 11-13 (be prepared to have the equation given in word form or go from graph to equation!)
p. 380 #21-22, 31-33
p. 388 #21-23, 40-43, 45
p. 396 #3, 20-28 evens, 34
p. 401 #17
p. 402 #26-27
Most of the d=rt problems are not in the book, so see if you can access the ones we did in previous classes.
If you need videos to help you, go to YouTube and search rational functions and maybe use "Khan Academy" or "Thinkwellvids Burger" to use ones that I would recommend.
Thursday / Friday 3/16 to 3/17
Erin Go Braugh for all the Irish out there. Another block day, only one more 2 hr math class after this one (as far as I know)
alg II - Thanks to those who participated in the Kahoot survey and discussion. I appreciate the feedback. We reviewed the hw from our last class and tried another inverse variation and another d = rt problem. Hw is to start studying for your test next Friday.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Wednesday 3/ 15/ 17
alg I - There were some riddles to start class but then we matriculated on to p. 397 #33; and # 15, 18, 21, 25, 29, 30, 31 on p. 396. Finish for hw if you didn't so already.
alg II - We started with a wodb on polynomial classification. We reviewed a few problems from day before. The last part of class was the task Squares upon squares which was due at the end of class.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Monday/ Tuesday 3/13 - 3/14
alg II - Happy Pi Day to all of you! We saw a video or two today and then practiced graphing rational functions on whiteboards. We had a problem on simplifying. After notes on 7-5, we practiced solving rational functions.
alg I - We also had a pi day video. We practiced polynomial work on whiteboards; Then we had a quiz on operations with polynomials; We finished the class with problems around the room which were due at the end of class.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Friday 3/10/17
alg II - Great day in class; started with a mult. rational function problem and then did another application of inverse variation. We had notes on 7-2, graphing a rational function. Class ended after we graphed problems #2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 19-24 on p. 370.
Performance task and unit test in the next 2 weeks!
alg I - Most classes were able to do the "which of these is not like the other" and then followed with warm up #10. Final part of class was spend doing a handout comparing simple and compound interest.
Quiz on Monday or Tuesday- whenever we see you next!
Make sure you can add polynomials and multiply them, too.
(x^2 +3x + 2) + (4 x^2 - 8) = 5x^2 + 3x -6
(x-5)(x+2) = x^2 -3x - 10
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Thursday 3/9/17
Very short class today. Although we didn't do much it was still very important and I recommend you do it if you missed today.
alg II - After reviewing the hw, we started doing the applications for the variation problems. WE did 3 problems out of the Forester book that will be helpful for the perf task.
alg I - We took notes on polynomials and then did a writing prompt on sci notation and reason.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Wednesday 3/8/17
alg II - Started class with #47 on page 382 and then did one complex fraction to practice. After reviewing hw, we took notes on 7-1 inverse variation and hw is p. 363 #2, 3,4, 11, 12, 15
alg I - warm up #9 on operations with polynomials, concentration game; gcf work on whiteboards.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Monday / tuesday 3/6/17
Another block schedule for these 2 days, so i will see you on one of these days.
alg II- This is a quiz day but we will have time to do some practice before this (kahoot and whiteboards). There was also notes on complex fractions and hw was p. 389 #39-42, 45, 54.
alg I - This class has a kahoot on factoring using GCF. I think there is also a talking circle scheduled and then there is definitely a math task that will most likely be done individually. Lastly, there is work from the Holt Red Book on p. 451 on multiplying polynomials. #1, 7, 8, 10-14, 16.
Here is a video on mult polynomials that could help if you missed today
Thursday, March 2, 2017
thurs/ friday 3/2
We are on block schedule so this post counts for two days. Hope you like the block schedule!
alg II - There was an opportunity to work on puzzles today so we did. We also did p. 381 #25, 30, 31, 36, 37, 41 in groups and turned that in. If you missed, you will need to do this and turn it in. We also took notes on complex fractions and did #39-41 on pg. 389.
Quiz next Monday/ Tuesday on add/ sub/ mult/ div. rational functions!
add/ sub rational fun.s
mult. rat. funs.
alg I - Work for the week is due to day, including the work we did today. We had our warm up #8 on finding GCF and if your class did not do #1-3 on p. 627, we did it today. The class also had a few problems from the Holt book on add/ sub polynomials. Lastly, we had a partner task from (Squares to Stairs). Download it, complete it and turn it in if you missed today.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Wednesday 3/1
alg II- Today we drilled factoring problems and took that into add/ sub rational functions on p. 388 #3, 4, 24, 19, 22, 23. We also reviewed the hw from Tuesday.
alg I - After reviewing 2c from the day before, we did another puzzle and a relay. Students took notes on how to factor using a greatest common factor. We closed close by doing p. 627 #1-3.
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