Monday, October 31, 2016

monday 10/31

alg II-  pretty easy day;  we spent a lot of time on riddles (congrats to the winners) as well as the google doodle game.  We did factor 6 problems as we will focus on graphing and factoring this week.  no hw.

alg I -   we did start 4.01 in the text today, reviewing the definition of slope and how to visually determine steepness.  We also had some brain teasers.  no hw.

Friday, October 28, 2016

friday 10/28

alg II -  we had yet another KAHOOT!  as well as review the hw from Thursday.  We finished up with the quiz (lucky period 2 got to go to the art gallery)

alg I -  we finally finished unit 3 on graphing by taking our final assessment of the unit.  Great job!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

thursday 10/27

alg II - another Kahoot day as well as a little practice to show what the quiz will look like.  We practiced some synthetic division p. 176 #11-13, 26, 34

alg I -   we took test questions from those who have looked the review guide, then we reviewed for the test, which is tomorrow.  Still time to look at the review guide and practice!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

wednesday 10/26

alg II -   'nother volume problem, of course, but then right into a Kahoot!   We looked at a few problems #6,7 on p. 175, but then got notes on synthetic division and then did #11-13.

quiz friday on - 1 problem on solving a polymonial, 1 on mult polynom. and 1 on writing an equation from solutions

alg I -  we did our first performance of the year!  Hope it went well; if you missed you will see Mr Russell or myself when you return.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

tuesday- 10/25

alg II - we reviewed the problems from Monday  #54, 56 as well as did an extension of the problem in 56 by finding what x would be to get a volume of 32.  We also did #47 in section 4.6 which I am sure we will see again.  Last, we did the notes for 4.3-dividing polynomials.  no hw, we'll start the division stuff tomorrow.

alg I -   we assessed the posters we made yesterday and then used the info on transformations to graph on the whiteboards as well as a little D & R review.  we also did our first coordinate plane scramble and it looked really good!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday 10/24

alg II -   Today we worked on p. 171 #35, 37, 51, 52, 54, 56.  Due Tuesday.

alg I - Today we made our posters for parent functions.  Perf task on WEd and test on Friday.  See review guide.

Friday, October 21, 2016

review guide for alg I unit 3 test

There are going to be 10 or so problems on our next test.
The biggest ideas are:  graphing from a situation and graphing an equation- 5 problems.
There is also 1 problem on finding the intersection points of 2 graphs.
I would expect 1-2 on the function, domain and range work we have been doing.
It is possible that there may be a Pythagorean problem on there as well.

In the book
p. 207 #1 all
p. 213 #2-4
p.  276 #4,8-10, 12
p. 281 #6-8

Although we did not do these pages, they do explain domain and range on p. 445-447 in the book, however, I would recommend using your own notes and examples.  PLEASE ask questions in or out of class if you are not clear on any of these concepts.

here is a video link on graphing linear equation

you may want to look up a video on graphing quadratic equations to see how they differ.

here is a video link about graphing situations.

Of course, you can also go to and go over some of the ones we have already done.

There won't be any stats on the test, though they will be on the performance task, so plan accordingly.

friday 10/21

alg II - even more graphing calc practice; then we worked on #46 on p. 164.  We finished with #4,8,17-19, 26 on p, 170.

alg I -  Today we reviewed functions/ domain and range.  After, we worked in groups on the handout on the toaster factory.  This was turned in before you left.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

thursday 10/20

alg II -  We started class by working on #42 on page 163.  We then did some notes on 4.1 definition of polynomials and hw was p. 162 #2-4, 11-12, 21-22

alg I -  After reviewing warm up 8, we had notes on functions (definition, domain, range) and did a class activity.  Hw was to draw 3 function graphs and 3 graphs of non functions.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Videos for Polynomial Unit (ch 4)

multiplying polynomials (he doesn't use the Punnett Square; hard to find a video where they used it on a plynomials bigger than 2 x 2  - Sorry)

dividing polynomials

Synthtic division

Solving polynomial functions- factoring

rational root theorem

fundamental theorem of algebra

polynomial regression on TI calc.

wednesday 10/19

Short day but I always make it worthwhile so hopefully you were here.

alg II -  We looked at a key problem in our new unit p. 218 #52 and explored graphing polynomials on the graphing calculator.

alg I -   We went back to our friend the Function Machine, then we did warm up 8 which involved graphing equations using a table.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10/18 tuesday

alg II - last day in our quad unit;  looked at the test and writing prompt and then did some stomp rocket math outside to finish up.

alg i -  some independent work (p. 276 #5) and some group work #5-8 on p. 281

Monday, October 17, 2016

monday 10/17

alg II -   Students did their writing prompt for college and career readiness.  After that, we were on playing a game that required you to transform quads.  tomorrow is the last day for the unit.  No hw.

alg I -  Today we started on p. 270 doing #4-5 independently.  Then we worked in partners graphing equations and finally we graphed a few graphingstories videos.  No hw.

Friday, October 14, 2016

friday 10/14

alg II -  Test day!!  no hw;

alg I - work from this week was turned in, then we did some     and finsihed with p. 257  #4,5

Thursday, October 13, 2016

thursday 10/13

alg II- today we reviewed for the test.  I was at a meeting but students should have worked on p. 151 #`-8,14 or others may have chosen to work on the review guide instead.

alg I - Students worked on finishing the handout from tuesday.  It was a handout on comparing the statistics on 2 b-ball players.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

tuesday 10/11

alg II - We had the performance task today - our first of the year!  Keep preparing for the test on Friday.

alg I -   WE finished the activity from Monday on mean and random sampling.  We took notes on graphical representations of stats and started a new activity.

Monday, October 10, 2016

monday 10/10

alg II -   Today was a review day for the test on Friday.  We had a kahoot on quadratics and then started going through the review guide (which is on a previous post).  One of the ones we went over was #68 on p. 118, which you will see again.

alg I -   today we started our week of statistics.  We had a short bit of notes and then an activity on random sampling, mean and frequency tables,

Friday, October 7, 2016

friday 10/7

alg II -    Ho Boy, what a time today.  We did a few practice problems to get us ready for the perf task.  They are not in your book so see me if you are curious.   Period 1 also got some system practice p. 136  #11-14, 34, 35.    Period 2 did not get to the systems but maybe we can do one on Monday.  Hw is to make sure you are ready for next week's assessments.

alg I - Fun times today.  We did another graphing situation and debated the reasonableness of it.  Mr Russell had a great Kahoot!  on graphing.  Many did well and provided great energy.  No hw.  

Enjoy your weekends.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

thursday 10/6

alg II -  Today we went back over factoring and practiced on several different types of polynomials,  If you missed you should see a friend about it as you may not have the strongest factoring skills.

alg I -  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Review guide for alg II quad test

I have not completed the test yet but I have a very good idea what will be on it.   I have come up with some problems in the text that would be good to review and you can always ask a question about them in class if they are difficult.

I would prepare for 9-10 problems.

3-4 on solving a quad equation  (some with imaginary answers)

1 on finding a maximum or minimum (vertex)

1 on area involving  a rectangle inside a rectangle

1-2 writing equations from solutions (not in book but we had a hw that was this)

1-2 graphing quadratic equations

1 graphing using transformations (probably some domain and range in here)

1 system of equations

Here are some problems that I found in the book that would be good to know how to do:

p.  99 # 4, 7,16,17, 28-31

p. 108 #6-8

p. 118  #68

p.  127  #7-15

p. 129  #69

p. 61  #5-8

p.  62  #41, 70

p.  53  #35-40

p. 136 #19-20

Wednesday 10/5

alg II -  In class we went over factoring and it looks like we need a lot more practice.  Next we spent a good deal of class on p. 169 #73.  We finished by writing quad equations from solutions.  Hw was 3 problems that I wrote on the board.  Write equations from solutions for the following:

1   x= 2, 9
2.  x = 5, -4
3.  x = 1/2, 8

alg I -  Today we worked on the problem of the unit and then did group work on graphs.  Hw is p 213 #2-3

alg II videos for quad unit

Here are some videos I found to support you with this unit.  There are many other ones you can find yourself on youtube and even on the Khan academy site.

Graphing a quadratic

solving quads  by factoring

quad formula

Writing equations from solutions

Solving a non-linear system

quad regression how to

vi hart doodle

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday 10/4

alg ii -  We had our quiz today, make it up tomorrow if you missed it.   After that we looked at a really good problem #69 on page 129.  Finally, we worked with complex numbers again and will look at those answers at the start of class tomorrow.  no hw.

alg I -   Today we reviewed the graphing handout and the test from last week.  We also took at look at   Check out the site if you missed today.  No hw.