Monday, August 31, 2015

monday 8/31

alg II HP - quiz tomorrow; look at review guide and re-practice problems from today

alg I P - finish problems from class p. 117 #1,2

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Friday, August 28, 2015

codes for online textbooks

for alg II - go to  then use samohi002 as ID and Vikings15-16 as pass
hit "apps" to get to the videos or to see the way to solve problems.

alg I - go to  then use cacmeallcourses as ID and password 1 as pass

choose the alg I book and then go to student book which looks like "

If you want to get to the videos and tutorials, go to "other resources"  then "student resources"

Choose a chapter and under "online resources"  there is a video tutor link as well as other resources.

friday 8/28

alg II HP - get ready for quiz; check the post from earlier this week about the quiz info.

alg I P - no hw.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

thurs 8/27

alg II HP - finish problems on handout from class.

alg I P -finish sudoku from class; if you are absent look on the back of the Alien Mutation handout from earlier.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

wed 8/26

alg II Hp-  if you need to get better at transforming parent functions, then work on it tonight.  The review guide has a link to a video on youtube.

alg I P  - no hw.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

tuesday 8/25

alg II HP - finish #14,18,20 from class

alg I P - no hw

Monday, August 24, 2015

alg II Hp quiz info

As you heard, there will be a quiz this Friday on parent functions and their transformations.  Also included are (to a lesser degree):  domain and range and piecewise functions.

Here is a link to a video to review the main part of the quiz.

Make sure you can:

1.  sketch a graph from an equation- 3
2.  write an equation from a description of a function - 3
3.  write a piecewise function for a word problem - 1
4.  identify transformations in a real world situation - 2
5.  transform a point of an unknown graph using equational analysis - 1
6.  Write domain and range for a function based on its equation - 2

You'll have about 35 minutes to complete this quiz

Monday 8/24/15

alg II HP - study those notes and see if you can improve your time in sketching a graph from an equation.

alg I P - finish the activity on Alien Mutations.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday 8/21/15

alg II HP - no hw but review your notes from today.

alg I P - no hw, keep thinking about how you will be resilient.

alg I syllabus

Algebra I 2015-2016  - Mr. Parker and Mr. Russell
Room: L109 395-3204 Phone extension: 71-159

Both will be taken and given to house offices.
Please get a calculator if you need one!!  No phones can be used.

Becoming the Algebra rock stars that you always dreamed of by mastering:
Solving Functions (many kinds!)         Graphing         System of Equations

**Standards of Mathematical Practice!!
·      Don’t give up without giving it your best effort
·      Be able to explain your thinking to others and understand theirs
·      Be able to apply math in real world contexts
Important:  Every math class is built on this one!!

  • To be responsible for completing work.  You can always email your peers or me if you are absent.  Try not to be absent.
  • To participate in class.  The more engaged you are in the class, the more you will learn and the easier the class will be.
  • To come to class with the best attitude you can bring, and I’ll do the
·      Take responsibility for your actions!  You will be an adult soon!

Parents:  Check Illuminate every week with your child.  It is updated frequently.  If you don’t know the codes, contact your child’s advisor for instructions. 

NO: walking in front of the teacher during instruction, electronic devices, cursing, eating/drinking, gum chewing, interrupting, hitting, teasing, tardiness, yelling, leaving seat, throwing things,  disruption or disrespect.

Prompt, seat change, call home, send to house office, class detention, Sat. school, Suspension, poor participation grade.

Materials for EACH class:  pencils, math notebook, a math folder or binder, calculator, workbook, and this syllabus.  BRING THEM!
Textbook:   CME Alg I with online resources
GRADING - Your scores on the following will determine grades:
Work                        20%            B=80-89
Tests/ projects                              33%                           C=70-79
Quizzes/ performance tasks           20%                           D = 60-69
Final                                             15%                           F below 60
Warm ups/ participation             12%        
HOMEWORK: the biggest factor in your grades!!!
There will be homework 4-5 times a week.  I will collect some of it the following Monday after it is assigned.  You may still turn it in the next day for 75% credit or up to 2 weeks late for 50%.  No homework can be turned in more than 2 weeks late.
***            If you are having issues, I can help you: after school, at lunch, emails.

CLASS WORK:  warm ups and participation
Each day of warm ups will have a warm up number and a date!   We check these from time to time.   If you want a good participation grade:  have your work materials out on your desk, raise your hand to answer questions, go to the board, use the class time to work on the math practices, and don’t talk over me!

·      We usually give 2-3 quizzes and a test a month.  In addition to these, there will be a final in January and in June.  You will take a performance task with every unit.  For these, you will work with a partner and be allowed to use your notes.
·      If you miss a test, you will make it up the day you return.  Anyone who fails a test is expected to make test corrections outside of class in my room.

·      See your teacher at nutrition or at lunch.
·      Go to the online textbook videos
User name:                                       password:
·      Go to afterschool tutoring (Mon-Thurs).
·      Try the Khan Academy on !!

Blog: –check for hw

alg II syllabus

Algebra II- HP 2015-2016  - Mr. Parker
Room L109 395-3204 Phone extension: 71-159
Email: Email is the best way to contact me!!

Blog: – check for announcements or hw

Both will be taken and given to house offices.

Please get a calculator if you need one!!  No phones can be used.  TIs and Casio are good.  I have some loaners. is a good online calculator.

Mastering the following and being able to apply:
Transformations                   Solving quadratics and Polynomials                 
Rational Equations                  Radical equations                            Logarithms        
Statistics                           Trigonometry                            Conic Sections
***Standards of Mathematical Practice:  don’t give up, explain your thinking, apply math in real world contexts

  • To be responsible for completing work and your own actions.
  • This class is the link to calculus and is very rigorous to prepare you for it.
  • To participate in class.  The more engaged you are in the class, the more you will learn and the easier the class will be.
  • Be on time!

NO:  walking in front of the teacher during instruction, eating/drinking, gum chewing, interrupting, hitting, tardiness, disruption or disrespect.

Prompt, seat change, call home, send to house office, class detention, sat school. Suspension.

Materials for EACH class:  pencils, math notebook/ folder/ binder, calculator, straight edge, graph paper and this syllabus.  BRING THEM!

Textbook:  Big Ideas Algebra 2 (new this year) with online resources
GRADING - Your scores on the following will determine grades:
Homework/ POUs                                  20%                               B=80-89
Tests/ projects                           40%                           C=70-79
Quizzes/ performance tasks         20%                           D = 60-69
Final                                                    20%                                       F below 60                 

The final is usually very difficult.  Prepare for it!

Students/ Parents:  Check Illuminate every week with your child.  It is updated frequently.  If you don’t know the codes, contact your child’s advisor for instructions. 

There will be homework 4-5 times a week. Homework will be checked randomly for completion 2-3 times a week.  Students who do hw consistently, do well in my class.  If you miss hw without a valid excuse, you can still turn it in by the end of the week for partial credit.
***         If you are having problems, I can help you after school and at lunch.  I also return emails for assistance.

·      I usually give 2-4 quizzes and a test a month.  In addition to these, there will be a final in December and in June.  Projects can be counted as tests or quizzes as well. You will take a performance task with every unit.  For these, you will work with a partner and be allowed to use your notes.
·      If you miss a test, you will make it up the day you return.  Anyone who fails a test can make test corrections for up to 2 tests per semester at lunch or after school.

·      See your teacher at nutrition or at lunch.
·      There are videos with the online textbook.
User name:                              password:
·      Go to afterschool tutoring.
·      Try the Khan Academy on
·      Be assertive!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

info for honors math students

Welcome Math Honor Students!

Hope you enjoy the class, the class meets your expectations and that you are more confident to sign up for a AP math course like Stats or Calculus.

Here are things to expect.

1.    I try to keep both lectures and class question time to a minimum.

2.    We will do most of the work in class a `la “flipped classroom.”  That does not mean you do not have any responsibilities outside of class.  It is quite contrary.

a.    If you don’t finish the work in class, you should do so at home.
b.    If you are not sure you totally absorbed the new concepts, you should go over it on your own, with someone else or watch a video on
c.     If you feel like you did absorb the concept, you should go over it one more time and explain it out loud to yourself in the mirror or another person.
d.    If there is a test that week, you should start preparing several days in advance.  That way you can ask questions in class about ideas/ problems that feel challenging.

There are other things that can help you succeed:  good attendance, good attitude, good collaboration with others during class, deliberate and concerted focus and being personally accountable.

I wish you all good luck and look forward to helping you become better and more confident mathematicians!

Parent Letter for Alg I parents

Hi parents of Algebra I students!

We are honored to help your students become better mathematicians and successful high school students.  However, we realize it will not be possible if we try to do it alone.

We need your help.  Please!
There are many things you can do to help your child.  I don’t know all of them but I will suggest a few.

1.   Make sure you give your child a space to work.  Someplace well-lit and quiet would be best.
2.   Ask your student about what they are learning in class and when assignments and tests are coming up.  If they tell you there is nothing to do, THAT IS RARELY TRUE.  They can always review for the upcoming test or make up an assignment they recently missed.
3.   If there is a test, make sure your child is preparing for it.  The best way to study for math is to re-do the problems they did in class.  There are also practice tests in the textbook.  If they are struggling, the can ask questions the next day in class
4.   Another great idea is for your child to learn to study with another student in class.  Having to explain their ideas and listen to others is the best way to learn and reinforce learning.  Encourage study dates!

Please contact me if you have any questions or other ideas to help young students.

I thank you for reading this and discussing it with your child.

Trevor Parker and Arthur Russell